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We are expecting a new Puppy what do we need to know?

Writer's picture: tomaskoreillytomaskoreilly

Updated: Jan 14, 2021

Congrats on getting your new puppy and addition to your family. Before you call me and everyone else on the planet. Here are the most common questions that I get.

1) Do I need a crate?

If you plan on leaving your house, the answer is yes.

2) Do I need a play penn?

It's a good idea for an owner to have a place to put the dog when they need a break.

3) My puppy cries throughout the night. Should I go over to him to sooth them?

The answer is no. The dog has to be able to self-soothe and he will cry himself to sleep.

4) Should the crate be closer to my bed? or closer to where he can go pee?

The dog should be closer to where he can go pee. Puppies bladders are small and by you knowing that it there is a small distance between the distance between the crate and the bathroom, you won't have to carry the dog all the way outside. Also, I am of the opinion that puppies need to learn how to be independent as soon as they can.

5) How often should I take my dog to the bathroom?

You just add the amount of months that your dog (+1) will give you the answer. In my experience every dog is different and your indivdual dog will give you signs when they have to go to the bathroom. A puppy of one breed might have a much larger bladder then one from a different breed. So just keep track of time. Very soon you will see how often the dog has to go.

6) What toys should I get? and how many should I get?

Puppies will be teething and so you will need chew toys. It is not a good idea to go out and get every toy possible thinking you are being a good dog parent. It is best to have 4 toys that you can rotate every week. Otherwise, the puppy will be bored and stop playing with it's toys.

7) Should I keep my dog on a leash inside the house?

Yes, your dog should be constantly supervised. Please have them tethered to you, this will impede accidents as well as being able to get the dog off of you if they start to bite you.

8) Should I let the dog on the couch? bed? chairs?

I do not think this is a good idea. Dogs should have their boundaries. When a dog does not have boundaries, problems could potentially arise later on. For example, when a dog gets older and you don't want them on the couch, they might not want to move when you ask them to. They might actually begin to feel that the couch is there's.

9) My dog is barking a lot. Is this common?

Yes, dogs bark. It's there language of communication. However, if it's excessive that's when you need to call for help.

How Do You Introduce a New Dog to Your Home.

Getting a new dog is an exciting event and one that requires careful preparation. You want your new pup to be comfortable and to adjust quickly to your home, but the process can take quite a bit of time. If you follow the below advice, however, you can help your new dog have a smooth transition to its forever home.

Keep it simple

Being relocated to a new home is going to be really overwhelming for your dog. With this in mind, keep the homecoming event simple and lowkey. The day you bring your puppy or rescue home from the shelter is not the day you should be having guests over or running a bunch of errands. You need to calmly introduce your pup to the house and its inhabitants so it doesn’t feel scared.

If you already have another dog:

If you already have a dog, please introduce the two dogs in a neutral place outside and away from the house. Take a walk a parallel walk with both dogs. The dog that was there first should be in the lead. Please do this to get the dogs tired out. At a certain point, when you feel it's appropriate and so long as neither dog is aggressive, it’s okay to have the dogs face each other. Start from a faraway distance and slowly approach. On the first day make sure they see each other from about 30 feet apart. Then 20, then 10 and so forth. This should be done over a period of days. Please don’t do all of this in the same day. Dog’s need time to adjust to one another. Until finally the dogs will be ready to meet. You always want to be in control, yet at the same time, maintain a very loose leash. Remember, don’t be nervous, there is no need to be. You being nervous, is just going to make your dog nervous. So, remain calm. After the dogs have met, please take them inside. Until the dogs are friends. You want to keep them separated. Have them eat in separate places. They should not share food bowls, water bowls or toys. One of my favorite things for two dogs that are either not getting along or getting to know each other. Is to simply feed both dogs as they are looking at each other with treats and taking turns. The dogs should be divided by a dogy gate or a fence. In this particular case, it is recommended that you feed the new dog first and then the senior dog. So, that the senior dog associates and understands that when something good happens to the new dog, as a result…something good will happen to the senior dog.

Take it slow

As soon as you arrive home, take your dog to their new potty area. Let them sniff around outside and explore before moving things into the house. If you have kids or housemates, you should also introduce them to the pup outside. Bring everyone out one at a time so as not to overwhelm your doggo. It’s essential not to rush the introductions or the first experience of the house. Wait until your pup is feeling comfortable outside before moving things into the house. Once you get inside, keep the pup on a leash as you move from room to room. The leash will help you control the dog and slowly guide it from room to room until it feels comfortable.

Create a safe space

You like to have your own space in the house and dogs are no different as they adjust to a new home. Have an area set up for your dog where it can go when feeling anxious. It can be as simple as a bed and a couple of toys in a corner. When your dog goes to this spot, you know it needs some space to relax or calm down. It’s important to understand that dogs that are puppies for the most part want to experience everything through their mouths. In my opinion puppies should not have beds in their crates. They can wind up chewing and swallowing pieces of the bed and this can end up with a trip to the veterinarian. Only dogs that are past their chewing stage should have beds in their crates regardless of what their age is.

Begin a schedule

You should have a schedule ready the first day you bring home your dog. The schedule should detail feeding times, walks, and potty breaks. It may also include training periods and crate time depending on how you’ll be working with your dog. Beginning your new schedule from day one will help the pup get into a routine a lot faster and make it feel more comfortable as it adjusts to its new home.

If you have any other questions, please always feel free to reach out.

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