Here are some additional resources you might find helpful:
Veterinarians in Bethesda, MD
Pet well clinic: 11802 Rockville Pike, Suite D, Rockville, MD, 20852. These are Dr. Brett Catington and Dr. Leigh Pusateri. Their website is: This is the only clinic that I know that offers discounts
Canal Clinic: 9125 River Rd, Potomac, 20854 Ph: (301)-299-0880
Kenwood Animal Hospital: 5439 Butler Rd, Bethesda, MD, 20816 Ph: (301)-654-3000
Dr. Ira Silver; Chevy Chase Veterinary Clinic. 8815 Connecticut Ave, Chevy chase, MD: Ph: (301)-656-6655
Dr, Benson (Benson Animal Hospital): 4981 Cordell Ave, Bethesda, MD 20814. Ph: 301-652-8818
Veterinary Behaviorist
Veterinary Behaviorists are different than a regular Veterinarian. These are Veterinarians that have done additional rounds and clinical rotations in animal behaviors. They are the tip of the spear when it comes to behavioral issues with your dog. Again, I always advise individuals whose dogs have behavioral problems. Please do not go see a regular Veterinarian, please go see your local Veterinary Behaviorist.
In order to find a veterinary behaviorist in your area. Please simply google: Veterinary Behaviorist and your zip code and you should find one relatively easily.
The only one that I was able to find that is near me that has the appropriate credentials is a woman by the name of Marsha Reich.
Her phone number is (301)-384-3900
She is located in Silver Spring Maryland
There are a few others that are closer to Virginia (these were recommended to me by Marsha Reich):
Dr. Amy Pike: 1-888-438-0788
Dr. Sinn: 540-454-9081
If none of these work for you, please check out: The American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior - AVSAB
They have a world list of Vet Behaviorists that should be close to your location.
Due to Covid times I have been asked a lot about Groomers that go to a persons place. One of my client's recommends Ashley. She will go to your place to groom your dog. Her number is 301-683-4973.